2014 Jan’s New Year’s Resolutions: A Review

2016 is upon us.  For the coming year, I have made the resolution to get back into running.  A 5k my work is hosting is motivation for me to get in shape for it.  This time last year, in the waning moments of 2014, I made two related resolutions.  One was that I was going to read more and the other one was writing more.   Let’s see how I did.

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The 2016 Facebook Profile Pic Schedule

Some years ago, for some reason, some guy or girl was staring at their late 2000s Facebook account.  They were going through their wall and their simplistic newsfeed, posting statuses like is going out or is Mondays am I right? Or is oh crap (an actual Facebook status of mine from 2008).  This person looked at their profile picture, a picture they took with their 1.6 MP camera that looked good at the time but looking at them now would you make you think that everyone in the late 2000s were melting, the same way we picture the 50s as black and white.  This person needed a profile pic and fast, so they went into their saved photos folder and pulled out a random jpeg of a Pokemon.  It caught on and now, every December, a dedicated group changes their profile pics for Pokemon Profile Pic December.  I don’t care about this at all, but I began to wonder what these people would change their profile pics to if there was a profile pic celebration every month of the year.

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Things I Noticed Watching Myself On Camera

Around Christmastime, as per tradition, I played in an annual football game comprised of a dedicated core of kids that fully acknowledge that they aren’t kids anymore.  We gather at a football field that seems to always be water-logged from a rainstorm or first snow storm and tear up the field so much our tracks can be seen well into spring.  About a week ago, the game footage was uploaded onto YouTube.  Excellent!  I can watch myself play a sport.  I bet I looked great, right?  Well, if I did, I would have linked the video.  Here are a couple things I learned about myself after watching footage of a massive pick-up football game.

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